Who do I contact if I have a questions regarding my financial obligations for an upcoming procedure?
For any questions regarding your share of the cost for an upcoming procedure/surgery, please contact us toll-free at 855-215-4614 option 2, and we will be happy to assist you.
Who do I contact if I have a question about my bill after surgery?
For any questions on your bill please contact us toll-free at 855-215-4614 option 1, and we will be happy to assist you. You can also safely email your questions to DL-PacRbo-collections@scasurgery.com. We will typically respond to emails within 24 business hours.
How can I pay my bill?
We have a secure online payment portal where you can log in and pay your balance at any time. The payment portal is at Patient Notebook (https://www.patientnotebook.com/presidiosc/) . This is a safe, secure, and convenient payment method. You can also call us toll-free at 855-215-4614for assistance.
Prior to my date of surgery, I was told I would only owe $XX.XX for this procedure. Why am I having to pay an additional amount?
We understand how frustrating that can be. We’ve done our very best to make sure we’ve verified and estimated correctly based on how the procedure was scheduled. Before your date of surgery, we received your scheduling orders from your doctor which indicated what was intended to be performed during your surgery. Once the procedure is completed, the doctor dictates what was performed during your operative session. We then send out the doctor’s operative report to our certified coders to code the procedures performed using government-mandated procedure codes. The area of medical billing is highly regulated, and it is as fraudulent for us NOT to bill for something as it is to overbill something. So we billed for what actually was performed. Unfortunately, this resulted in an additional share of the cost to you. We are very careful when giving estimates to explain that it is based only on the information we received prior to surgery. Things can and do change once surgery starts for many reasons. We will always bill based on the operative report of what actually happened?”
You will receive several bills from your visit to Presidio Surgery Center.
1. A bill for the facility fee from Presidio. This covers the room, and supplies for your surgery and recovery. You will receive a call before your surgery from our billing office to go over any partial responsibility you may have. We will request your co-payment on the day of the surgery. For questions about this please call our insurance verifier at 916-529-4865. We are contracted with most major health plans and have several options to help work with you on any bill you may have with us.
2. You will receive a bill from your surgeon for the professional fee. This bill will come from your surgeon’s billing office and you should reach out to your surgeon’s office for any questions.
3. You will also receive a bill for anesthesia services. This is a separate professional fee for your anesthesia physician. We work with Northern California Anesthesia Physicians (NCAP). call their billing office at 858-244-1058. NCAP is contracted with most major health plans.